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Good Work: the ethics of craftsmanship

Harry Kunneman (Ed.)

ISBN 9789088504181 | Paperback | 1ste druk, 2012
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Building on Richard Sennett’s recent work this books tries to clarify the ethical significance of craftsmanship. According to Sennett, ‘learning to work well’ is a deep source of personal meaning and of fruitful cooperation. Moreover provides the foundation of citizenship. Learning to master a craft is learning to be curious and patient, to focus on relationships and learn the skills of anticipation and revision, in a continual dialogue with material that resists ‘quick fixes’ and turns the craftsman ‘outward’. In the contemporary search for practically relevant perspectives that point beyond the moral poverty of a market driven society, ‘the ethics of craftsmanship’ thus offers an intriguing and fruitful perspective, worth of in depth exploration.

This book contains the following chapters:

Introduction: Craftsmanship and Normative Professionalization, Harry Kunneman (ed.)


1. The Corrosion of Character and Society. Sennett's Quest for morality, Joseph Dohmen

2. Parenthood and professional Work with Parents in Neoliberal Times: The Need for a subjunctive and Dialogical Approach, Katie-Lee Weille

3. Parenting as Craftsmanship. Moving between an Awareness of Being Responsible and ‘Good Parent’-Experiences, Margreth Hoek

4. The Challenge of Organizing Social Work in the Episode of the Civil Society, Gerdien Blom

5. Local Welfare and the Rise of the Crafting Community, Willem Trommel

6. The ‘Workshop’ of social Work: Towards an Ethnography of Social Professionalism, Martijn van Lanen

7. The Art of E-care: Virtuous Care Work, Skills ad Information Technology, Mark Coeckelbergh

8. Good Work in a University Hospital. Professional Responsibility Revisited, Yolande Witman

9. Cynical Free Speech and Righteous Change, Rob Hundman

10. Handling Domestic Violence. The Power and Fragility of Tacit Knowing, Sietske Dijkstra

11. Between an ‘Undoable Science’ and a ‘New Kind of Research’:Life Course Methods to Study Turnings Points and Landmarks, Magda Nico & Wander van der Vaart

12. Do Proxies Know as Much as their Partners? Similarities and Differences of personal Event Ratings, Ales Neusar & Wander van der Vaart

13. Application of Mixed Methods and Third party Help in a Hard-to-Reach Population, Melissa Quetulio-Navarra, Wander van der Vaart & Anke Niehof


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